Monday, November 14, 2011

So, it's been a while...

It's amazing when life seems to be going well, we tend to forget about the little things. So, I want to take some time while I am half remembering and update on what's been going on in the Brown home:

Shannon is healthy, happy, and doing well. His job keeps him busy, but since he is also involved in a lot of groups, he has been having more dinners with us during the week -- YAY! He's also been working more Fridays, which gives him a different day off -- Sunday. Which also means we are able to spend time together as a family. And, I L-O-V-E that.

Audrey is a active, healthy, always talking 3 year old. She has gotten into My Little Pony and her imagination is amazing. I can't believe some of the things she comes up with. She's always talking to her dolls, princesses, My Little Ponies, etc.. She's also loving the idea that soon she will be a big sister. 

Leroy. He is an active little man at times! We have had little to no issues with this pregnancy. As of today, I am 32 weeks pregnant and the biggest complaint is that I can't do as much as I would like around the house, it may take 2 days to do something, or *gasp* I need to ask for help. Shannon has been amazing at picking up where I can't complete a task and I so appreciate his help around the house. Maybe this is why we have winter babies -- not as much to do outside so he can help inside.

And the person I probably have the hardest time talking about -- myself :) Over the summer I started selling Scentsy - - and I love it! Scentsy is a flame-less wax bases system that literally fills our entire home with amazing scents. I'm so thankful Scentsy is providing some extras for my family and I can't wait to see what the possibilities are for the future. 
The pregnancy really is going well, and I can't believe we are almost to the end. It feels like this one went by so much faster than Audrey's. I love taking those special moments to rest, and feel him move around. The miracle of birth is mind blowing. How can a sperm and egg meet and then become a person? I've been having thoughts about what he will look like. Will he be blonde like Audrey, or actually look a little like me? Will he be a spitting image of his Daddy, or actually look a little like me? Can you tell I wonder if I had any part of Audrey's look for the first year or so of her life?? :) 

We are thankful and blessed. At this time of the year, I also tend to reflect on what happened the past year and what we may have to look forward to in the next. I am thankful for the struggle of this past year, because the struggle made me so much more thankful for the life that's growing inside of me. I can't wait to see what this little man does in our family, and in his lifetime.

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