Monday, October 15, 2012

Woah, heavy.

So, my last two posts have been a tad on the heavy side.. It's about time for a family update :)

Shannon - still in Harrisburg, loving football season and making as many pumpkin pies as he can :) I love that man. He is the peanut butter to my Nutella (or jelly if you prefer!).

Audrey & Shannon

My beautiful girl
Audrey  - This girl LOVES preschool! If she could, she would go 7 days a week instead of 3. She loves being social, feeling like a big girl and learning new things. Preschool has been very good for her.

Two adorable pumpkins :)

Landon's 9 month stats
Landon - Oh my soul, do I love this boy! He is on the move now. He's army crawling to whatever he wants (usually, his momma) This past week he had his first tooth crack through his gums, and the second is soon to follow. He's getting so big, so fast! Kiddos - They get along so well together. I am truly blessed with great kiddos. They love each other and I can see those two growing up and being great friends (I hope!)
Sock hat for toddler girl
Crochet flower
Last, but certainly not least, myself. I have been busy and I love it! I have been making all kinds of crafts, learning how to knit, dipping my hands, and camera, into various forms of photography and spending time with my family and friends. So, first - crafts! I so enjoy making all kinds of things and seeing it actually come together, and not just the visions in my head! I have made some things I am comfortable with - hats, scarves.. But, I'm also branching out into things I'm unsure of, like fingerless mittens, and I love them! I'm also learning how to use scraps of yarn to make poms, flowers, etc. I've wanted to learn how to knit for a while. Bought a kit, watched videos and FAILED. It's amazing what a class with a real person can do for me! I've almost finished my first knitting project (photo to come) and the next project is socks! I'm so excited!!!

Crochet fingerless gloves

 I so enjoy the art of photography and capturing life moments. I am still learning, but I am so in love with the art! I am totally going to toot my own horn here -- I think I'm pretty decent at it too! Always room for improvement, but I enjoy it and I'm learning the artsy side of editing. Regardless, I took photos for a benefit over the weekend and so enjoyed capturing moments, accomplishments, feelings and emotions of the event. 

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