Thursday, January 3, 2013


OMGEEE!! Where has the past year gone?! I can't believe my baby is a YEAR OLD! This just doesn't seem right to me. I've taken his photos once a month on the 3rd to see how he's changing, growing, and becoming his own person. I just love this little boy. I'm wrapped. Unless he's screaming (high pitch, tone only a dog should be able to hear scream) for food (like R-I-G-H-T now).

You may want to know what he's into right now.. well, if not, I'm going to tell you anyway :)

-Food. Ha. I think he could eat his sister under the table if given the opportunity. 
-He also adores his sister. Wants to know what she's doing, how he can get in on it, and playing with her. I'm so thankful they do get along so well. 
-Blocks/balls are his favorite toys. Especially a stack of blocks that can tumble. 
-He is a momma's boy to the nth degree and I'm totally okay with that - most of the time.
-Our pets. When Neko walks, or rather saunters, into the room Landon starts making a 'kkk' sound and has a cheesy grin across his face. If he could master the art of a friendly pet he would have a few less scratches from the cat. Hopefully someday Neko will hang with Landon as he does with Audrey.
He can be an ornery little thing.. I've caught him on more than one occasion in the cat's litter box. Ew. I know. SO.GROSS! But, he is also so funny. The faces this boy duplicates gets me every single time. And he's learning to blink/wink. OMG. Melting. Love this little boy.
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months

10 Months
11 Months

 (12 months to come!)

Saying bye to her elf
Even though this blog is title "Landon" I feel the need as a mother of TWO to mention my eldest. My mini-me. My personality clone. This girl loves school. She has been lost the past two weeks for Christmas/New Year break - she needs to get to school! She has enjoyed being able to have a more relaxed schedule and stay in her sweat pants (who can blame her!). I love listening to hear play and use her imagination. Granted, the story line rarely varies, but the things she can come up with makes me smile and laugh. It's been a joy to be able to literally hear her grow up and see her change. She loves all things princess and is excited to go back to Walt Disney World soon. (I just realized how much of a random hodge podge this paragraph is becoming!)
Preschool Christmas Party

I feel extremely blessed to be able to call these two my children. They light up my life, make me laugh, have a purpose, but also a determination to do all that I possibly can for them. 

Christmas morning!

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