Thursday, August 2, 2012

Social Media

I don't like confrontation. I don't like being in the middle of an argument. I do like being challenged in my thinking, but with time to think and formulate a reply. I do like people who stand up for what they believe in, even when it's hard. In some - alright, let's be honest - in MOST cases, I have the philosophy that it's ok to agree to disagree. 

That being said... I have been conflicted with two different aspects of social media. On one side it's political, and individual opinions about various topics. On a different side, it's a chance to ask for help, but also be able to encourage said party that is desperate.

The past day or two I've had a very heavy heart (and a gnarly sunburn that has caused me to not want to move. When am I going to learn that I must be WHITE with lotion before stepping foot into the sunlight?! Granted, my daughter has crazy bathing suit lines - so glad she tans!! .... wow, bunny trail....) and been very thoughtful. Unless you are living under a rock you can assume what I'm referring to. (However, in a year I may will not remember. So here are a few bullet points for MY sake - Colorado massacre, Olympics, Chick-fil-a, gay rights, what is marriage, babies in the hospital, Audrey getting ready for pre-school, Landon is almost 7 months old... this list could go on, but that should suffice for me)

I prefer to end things on a high note, some type of encouragement. At church on Sunday I was introduced to a marathon runner, Ryan Hall. I'll probably never really meet him, but the little bit of his story that I now know amazes and challenges me as a human and a wanna be runner. He didn't have a human coach.. on an entry form he needed to list the name of a coach. Ryan put God. Officials told Ryan that they needed a PERSON. I'm sure Ryan and God have a lot of talks while he's pounding the pavement, and He is probably more encouraging than a human coach. Here is an excerpt from his book "Running with Joy"  ---

“All of us, fast and slow alike, can experience something that is just as sweet as winning. My message is that even if you don’t land on the podium or run a personal best, even if you have a bad workout or are struggling with an injury, you can experience joy to the fullest.”

Today, live your life to your fullest. You never know when it may be your last. What kind of an impact does your life, your words, your attitude, etc may have on another??

(By the way, I am totally following Ryan {RyanHall3} on twitter now. Be on the look out for retweets.)

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