Friday, May 11, 2012

Has it really been 4 (FOUR!!!!!) months?!

At one of our dinners this past week Shannon was holding Landon, and getting teary eyed. First of all, that makes me wanna cry, but there is always a reason for him to have tears (our wedding day, birth of our children, etc)... Anyway ---- Reason for THESE tears:

It's so crazy to think of how far Landon has come in these 4 months. He did have a rough start, but things could have been so much worse. I am forever thankful for his amazing pediatrician who is such a baby/child advocate. Shannon was remembering the day we came home from the hospital from yet another heel prick for Landon. We were sitting in the sun room, trying to get the boy as much sunshine as possible. To the day that he sits up, with help, holds his head up like a champ and has such an amazing personality. He's funny, he's cute, he's a joy, he's a great traveler, and a good sleeper. (Yes, I specifically prayed for the last two things!!! The others are just a bonus.) I love seeing Landon grow, even though it also makes me sad to see him grow and change so fast. 

So, let's see what has happened in our home in the past four months:

Shannon has made a lateral transfer with the state and he's working in Harrisburg now. Granted, he's gone longer during the day with the drive, but he is home EVERY evening and he is home over a real weekend! There is a ton of potential for advancement and he enjoys the change of pace. He's happy, we are happy!

Audrey is loving being the big sister and she is amazing with Landon. Right now, her imagination is always on the go and her favorite is to play pretend with her Disney princesses, Little People and My Little Pony. Since the weather has finally gotten nice she loves to spend as much time as possible outside.

Landon is such a good baby! I was scared that my second would be a polar opposite, but he has been very similar to his sister (phew!) His favorite is to be held, or in my Moby wrap. He's such a momma's boy! He recently found his voice, and loves to be vocal. It's cute. At night he's still waking up a few times to nurse but naps are nice in the afternoon :)

And me.. Well, we made the decision as a family that I would stay home with the kiddos. Each day is different and I really do feel like I am worth the 6 figures I have been seeing that a stay at home mom SHOULD make! It's challenging, stressful, but also so amazing to be able to spend the day with my babies and see them grow, change, and learn.