Sunday, September 7, 2014



: happening or done very quickly

That perfectly describes the latest change in my household. It's been a few months in the making, but the last two weeks have been a whirlwind. Praise to God for having His gentle hand on my heart and life this summer. I am so thankful for how this process has unfolded before my eyes and how everything has worked out perfectly.

Let me back up -- back in June I was tossing around the idea of working full time. I realized my hours at the cafe were almost full time hours, and why not consider a few extra hours to make some extra money for my family. I submitted 2 applications through the state and took 2 civil service tests in one day (don't do that to yourself. It was awful) and waited. 

Skip to July. I had applied to 2 different school districts - one had 3 positions I was interested in pursuing, the other had 2. Yes, that's a total of 7 applications in 2 months. Applications are exhausting. 

Let's now take a jaunt to August. I can feel myself wanting to do something more with my life and my days. To make a difference in someone's life. Sure, I can make an awesome cup of coffee, but I also have the desire to do more. A friend of mine inquires at one of the school districts on my behalf. She had sent an email to HR the first day of school (August 25). Later that day, I get an email asking for an interview two days later - August 27. I scramble to find someone to switch with me so I can go to this interview and just see what may come of it. I was told not to be discouraged if I don't hear from them right away, so I am not expecting to hear anything for about 2 weeks (the district was going through a shuffle with the new school year and current employees applying for other positions.) September 2 I notice 2 phone calls and voicemails. I can't listen to the messages or return the phone call to one of my interviewer and HR. I'm offered a position with the school district as a Personal Care Assistant. I'll be with a child who needs help during the school day to complete a variety of tasks. 

And now my personal scramble to get various things done prior to being able to talk to HR and officially accept this position. Tuesday, 9/2, kiddos and I go to the walk-in clinic for my TB shot. An hour later, and $16.80 less in my pocket it's done. Return in 48-72 hours to have it read. No problem. Also register for my FBI clearances and figure out where to go to have my fingerprints taken. (Plus side, I am now able to volunteer at my kid's school since all my clearances are done.) Wednesday, 9/3, go to work, get above mentioned fingerprints done. I also just have to do some clothing shopping since my wardrobe is in basic mommy mode of jeans and t-shirts. I get a call from HR - "Do you think it's possible to have your TB test and physical done by tomorrow, 9/4, so we can meet and go over paperwork???" SURE. My family doctor is no help with an appointment until the following week. Urgent care is a lifesaver - they do work physicals, and are open until 8pm. Hubs comes home, I run out. Physical done Wednesday. Thursday, 9/4, TB test read, college transcript picked up, off to my HR meeting. Come home, pack up my entire family because my brother in law got married -- WOOHOO! Congrats Kris & Jess! Write a two week notice to my current employer.

Friday, 9/5, submit a notice. My last day at the cafe will be September 19 and I will start with the school September 22. At this point, I'm sure my blood pressure is now at a normal rate unlike the numbers on my physical paper, but it's okay. There's been a lot on my heart and mind in the last few weeks. It feels awesome to be able to share what happened.

I truly believe the speed of this whole process was Supernatural and God's hand had been with me and my family the whole time. This is a huge change for me, but I am so anxious and excited to get started. I'm ready to have more time with my family. I'm ready to make a difference in someone's life. I'm ready for something MORE. I'm also so ready for the day when someone asks me --- "Can we get together 2 Saturday's from now...?" And I can say YES because I don't have to wait for a work schedule. Can ya tell that I'm excited about this change? I'm ready to dive in.

God -- Thank You. I know this is from You. I hope and pray I can bless those I am around. Amen.

Friday, July 11, 2014

July already?

Movie Stars
So, yeah, it's been a while! Ha. I'll be honest - the birchboxes I have received lately haven't really thrilled me.. Anxious to see what will be in this month's box. It may be a good time for an update and Brown happenings. 

My boys.
Shannon - He and a group of wonderful friends replaced our front door and it looks awesome. I'm so pleased with how much more privacy we have in the house and how amazing it looks. It may have taken us a while but this place is becoming ours. I love it. He takes pride in the exterior of our home and he has done a beautiful job. There are a lot of projects we want to tackle -- one at a time.
 New door - Old door.
New private front door installed!

Audrey - She has been attending a day camp this summer and she loves it! Every week they have gone on a field trip somewhere - a walk, a lake, a baseball game, a movie... tons of fun. If she could go everyday, even the weekends, she would be there. She finished TBall in June and had another great year! She is learning more about the game, and it's a great way to bond with her daddy (who also coached her team this year). She has lost 2 teeth since May and has more wiggly ones to come out. Growing up so fast! 


Last day of Kindergarten
Character Counts Awards

First tooth lost!

Keeping busy
Landon - This kid is crazy. He's funny, ornery, a snuggle bug, sweet, smart... The way he has changed in the past few months is crazy to me. He is talking more, putting sentences together, and it's fun to see his brain work. He loves all things superhero. He loves to snuggle with almost anyone he knows. There are days I feel it's necessary for me to work so we have some extra money for food. He keeps us on our toes, and when it's too quiet it's usually a bad thing. 

Superhero Landon
My very own Chicken Little

And, me - I have been busy, but let me break it down for ya:
-Loosing weight is awful. Let's be honest. I've been trying to get to the gym 2-4 times per week. I have started to see a difference in my arms and legs... anxious to see some changes in my midsection. It's been good discipline for me (and Shannon! Who I can see a difference in his midsection. Blah) to make the time to go to the gym. I want to be a good example for my kiddos. 

-This year we finally have a garden. I'm so happy! We planted cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, cilantro, basil, cucumbers, zucchini, green peppers, banana peppers and jalapeno peppers. Most of our plants have done very well. It's been fun to see it grow from this tiny plants to having produce in our home. I love it! 
Garden Planted

Banana Peppers
Zucchini and a tomato
-My yarn :) I love my yarn. I love being able to make something from a ball of yarn. Recently I have made quite a few wash cloths - gifts for Audrey's teacher and bus driver, as well as to fill a few orders. I also made a shawl for Audrey. Since it's been finished she's been wearing it. I love seeing her love something I made for her. I have also purchased some larger beautiful Knit Picks Needles. Gosh. I just love them. So beautiful. I have also turned slightly snobby about my yarn. I love to work with quality yarn. I have so many projects I'd like to work on, and I'll get to them.

Shawl for Audrey
Detail of stitches

Who wouldn't want to wash dishes with this!?
Pretty stitches
Washcloth Progress

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


If you live in the same general area March came in like a roaring lion.. Good grief, so done with winter, snow, ice. And so ready for my kindergarten student to have normal weeks of school. Most of March found us inside, cuddled under piles of blankets praying for warm weather to be outside playing. I have spent a lot of time knitting. Shocker. Is it weird to give a shout out to yourself? Whatever. It's my blog! And so is this one --> Brandie's Basket <-- check it out. It's a place where I can document my wip (work in progress) and also remind myself of patterns and what I have made.

Family is doing well. Ready to spend time outside, getting to know our neighbors :)

Onto the opinions, reviews -----

CHOCOLATE!! Seriously, do I need to say anything else? Of course I will ;) Dark chocolate with a hint of tart cherry and an almond crunch. Hello, yum. I may have done a little happy dance while eating it :) It's probably a good thing for my waist line it was a sample instead of an entire bar.
 Shampoo AND Conditioner First of all let me say that I am glad this came to me as a set. I hate, no loathe, it when my shampoo and conditioner aren't used evenly. What do I do with all the extra!? I'm curious to try a No-Poo shampoo, but this size is perfect for traveling and a good sample size.
 Coola BB Cream! Stoked! I was so excited to try this out, but I was quite disappointed :( I may need to use it as a layered product, and use it for the sunscreen, but the coverage was awful. That put me in a search for a BB cream for the summer. I think I found my new favorite! Benefit's Big Easy! This cream adjusts to the skin tone, and also has a powdery finish. I wore this to work (in a fast paced environment and I tend to glisten by the end of my shift) and I was NOT oily. Sold. Love it.
 Hand Cream Blech. Too floral for me. I prefer a more subtle scent to my lotions. 
Coffee Night Cream(?!?!!) Coffee beans in an night cream?! Yes, please! First, when I see "night cream" I think a very heavy, thick cream. This was not! It is light, has a fresh orange-like scent and was amazing. Totally recommend!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

February Happenings

February. The month of love. And for me this year, way too much snow. My poor kid has had a delay or cancellation way too often this year. Between the ice, snow, and just cold weather, I am so ready for some warm, spring weather. I'll be honest - I am not totally sure what my backyard looks like. I may have forgotten what the landscaping is like. Oops. I'm also ready for my dogs to stop using the patio instead of the yard for their business. Ugh.
So, here is what we have been doing recently:
Shannon and Audrey have 9 days between their birthdays. We celebrate each person two times in that week and a half span. It's weird to think that there are days I can't remember yesterday, but I can remember a lot about the day she was born (or the day I gave birth to her, depending on who I want to give the credit to. Let's be honest, I did the work. She was the product of said work. I guess it would be like asking what came first -- the chicken or the egg?? Don't ask Siri.)

Landon has started going to a day care and it's been amazing! He wasn't much of a fan, but now he loves going to play with his little friends and I really like his day care provider. It's a small place on my way to work (YAY!!!!!) and it's been a blessing. Plus, since he is in day care 2 days a week, that gives me little excuses to go to the gym those two days. But, it's been good to burn those calories, work out stress, and sweat. It's been cheap therapy for me. Plus, I have been sleeping more soundly at night, and have more energy during the day to complete the tasks I need to check off my list.

On to that list -- it's opinion time! :) (Because my March box came in the mail today! HA!)

 W3LL People Multi color stick is amazing. I feel weird about using the same product for my eyes, lips, and cheeks, but I LOVED it on my lips! Very soft color, not drying, and it wasn't sticky. I hate it when my hair gets stuck on my lips because of the product. Ew. This one, I like and would recommend.

Half-Up I have wanted the sock bun since I started working at the cafe and have to (GASP!) wear a hair net. It's not glamorous, but it's food service. I am still trying to figure this thing out. I like it, but my hair has so many layers to it that most seems to fall out - boo. Learning curve to figuring it out, but I think once I have it mastered I'll be golden.
 Serum So I am thankful that I don't have to remember the entire name of this thing - Ultra-Light Super Antioxidant Concentrate Serum - but I'll keep it short for you - love it! I could use this ALL over my face. Left my skin feeling balanced, moisturized, and smooth. This may be one for this 30-something to add to my bag on a daily basis. Highly recommend to help prevent and correct signs of aging.
Whish Body Butter I love having a small bottle of lotion close to me to keep my hands soft. This lotion didn't leave a greasy feel to my hands, which I hate! If I needed to open a door after applying this lotion, I could. Great smell (pomegranate) but also not overpowering. My normal go to is from Bath and Body works but this is a close second.

Tea Bags I have little opinion about tea. I'll drink it, but since it's a one time use item I don't really have an opinion. I did enjoy the taste of it, but I also prefer coffee. The tea bags didn't explode so I wasn't chewing my tea. As I said, little opinion about tea :)

And some fun family photos for your viewing enjoyment ---
My dear son trying to do shoulder presses (with a 2 pound weight). This boy keeps me on my toes. He's hilarious, sweet, and ornery all wrapped into one little body.

I can't wait to have THIS be my view most evenings.. Kids outside playing.. Me chilling, listening to some music, drinking some vino, and enjoying life. So ready for spring!!!!!

Happy March friends!!! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So I've gotten a few Birchboxes without my review of the products.......

First of all, let's be honest -- it's been a while and my last blog was dark. Hard day. You've been there too... maybe have even admitted to it! That being said, it's a new year, and I am amazed at where my family is now is 2014. Let me tell ya, that's a whole different blog in and of itself. Last year at this time, I was learning how everything worked at the big Oak Cafe. My first day at the cafe was a bit overwhelming! Ha.. but was a good change for my family and I am thankful for the opportunity to become a barista and the people I have met through the cafe. It's been a huge blessing for my family.

Now -- back to the real reason for THIS blog -- my opinion! :) There's a really good chance there are going to be lots of opinions here, but I feel the need to catch up before my February Birchbox (sign up here!) arrives in my mailbox!

In a totally random order -----

betty&ko - The Betty Polish is a very nice sugar scrub. I like the sample of it, but for the price tag, I would probably never buy it for myself. Very nice smell to it, not too gritty, not too soft.. I just don't think it's worth the $48 price tag.

A candle. (no photo. It's a cream votive.) I'll be totally honest (what else would you expect!?) this candle has such a strong smell to it. And not a scent that I enjoy being absorbed by my nostrils. Way too strong for me. It's a candle. I have had so many votive candles that it wasn't special to me.

Insert an image of a cream colored votive candle HERE.

Viva la Juicy -- I'm usually not a fan of perfume samples because I can go to a department store and get the exact same thing. I have also had some scents that are so strong I can smell them before I see them in my box. (gross.) This one is a light, fruity.. with a hint of a musk to it. As I smell my wrist, I am leaning more towards liking it with every sniff.

Manna Sheer Glo Oh the sparkles and the shimmer! :) I do like products like these, but I just don't wear them often. Great for a day to night look or to add a little somethin' somethin' to a look. I will say that I do prefer a tube to a pump though. I just like to have control of how much of the product I am getting. I have mixed this with my foundation for an all over, lightly shimmered look that I like.

Healing Balm My hands take a beating. I have a small patch around my wedding rings (I also joke that I an in dire need of a platinum band. My husband laughs in return). The patch ranges from a few small bumps  to being so swollen I can't wear my rings. Plus, being in the sanitation water from work -- it's so harsh. The balm has a clean, spa-like scent. It's light and fresh.. I do feel a tad greasy which I don't like. I don't like seeing a residue from my lotion. I do like this lotion, but I think it's best to use before bed or put on gloves.

Burt's Bees -- first of all, I gotta say there are a lot of Burt's Bees products that I do like and crave. This may be a new favorite of mine. I am normally an oily skinned girl, but this winter has sucked out all the extra moisture I normally have. This stuff is great if I need some extra hydration or am staying in for the day. For me, this is enough hydration to make me feel like I am glowing without glistening. Love this product!

Nail Rock -- I like the idea. Nail polish and glitter. However, I rarely wear nail polish anymore (Boo to dishes, glove, and sanitation water!) I did try this out so I can make an opinion.. The instructions tell me to sit for about 20 minutes for it to dry. That's not going to happen. I'm so spoiled by my Red Carpet Manicure or my Jamberry nails and I can't wait that long. It looks pretty and if I had time to devote to a traditional manicure, I would totally add some sparkle and glitter to it. I've been sitting for the 20 minute dry time..... some of the sequins/glitter/sparkles have come off, but majority have stayed on my nail.

(Stubby nails. Boo. Sad nails... that sparkle!)

Beauty Protector - First, the smell is to die for. There is a warning on my birchbox card that the scent is addictive. I totally agree. It's a warm, comforting smell.. Something that is just yummy in my hair! Plus it protects when I actually USE heating tools to create a style that is not a ponytail or a top knot :) I did have some issues with the spray NOT working, but after I cleaned it up I was good to go. (And, yes, just sprayed it again to make sure I wasn't lying! Oh.. the smell! YUM!)

And since it's been a while here are a few others I have LOVED in my last couple of boxes ---

Eyeko Mascara *drool* So I didn't take a photo of this one, but I really like this mascara. I have never used a mascara in a squishy tube, it's always been a cylinder-like tube.. but I really like it. I feel like I can get more of the product on the wand. It's not clumpy, does a great job separating my lashes, and I LOVE it. I'm also a sucker for a great mascara. This one, two thumbs up! 

Dr. Lipp Nipple Balm  - first of all, this name made me chuckle. I have nursed both of my children past their first birthdays.. The nipple creams are a great thing to have nearby. And the coloring and texture of this balm reminded me of some of the creams I have used on other regions of myself. I would feel very weird smearing some Medela nipple cream on my lips in public. However, this product is JUST what I need this winter. It has been so cold and dry around here that I am craving any kind of moisture I can get. I just found this on the bottom (THE SHAME!) of my make up box and I am about to go grab it RIGHT.NOW and put on my lips. It's a thicker, more moisturizing balm and it's been perfect.

I think that should update you on most of my favorites of the past few months. I'm hoping to get into a groove now. Maybe. Ha. Sure. ;)