Sunday, January 27, 2013

A change can do some good.

Ugh. Change. I'm a creature of habit. Change really messes with me. However, we are in the beginning stages of making a big change for our family. 

Since Christmas, we have been tossing around the idea of relocating to another town. A 20-30 minute move north of where we are now, would cut 250 miles off my husband's commute in a week (he drives 60 miles one way). Not only the miles, but the time we'd be able to spend as a family are priceless. Plus, the town we are looking at has lower taxes, a great school, friends already established, and a cheaper housing market. 

I have been blessed to stay home with my kiddos the past year and I have loved almost every day :) However, there are days I'd be okay with spending time with some adults and having a real conversation versus talking in the simplest sentence ever. I love being a mom. I love seeing my kiddos grow up, change, advance and learn new things. While they are still little, I want to spend most of my time with them, but there are times it's also necessary to make some extra money. I love making things (see Brandie's Basket) but since I'm not a sweat shop, and handmade items take a while to make, I really can't make much money. Boo. 

With this move, we also talk heavily about our financial situation. With Shannon's pay we could ALMOST be pre-qualified for the loan we would need, however, just a little extra would put a nice cushion in our account and definitely put us in a good standing for a loan. That being said ....... 

A few months ago I applied at Jo-Ann's for the holidays. I don't know how much money I would have actually made... but it just didn't feel right. I had that uneasy feeling in my gut about the situation. So the idea went under the rug for a while. Enter the potential move --- the idea made me want to vomit. I really didn't want to try to juggle multiple schedules again. It's exhausting. And, I didn't want to be in a situation where we would have to pay for childcare on a weekly basis. That defeats the purpose of me working if we are paying someone to keep our kids. 

We love local businesses, and prefer to support local businesses when possible. Shannon was shopping in a small, local, family owned grocery store and noticed they had some applications floating around. At the time they weren't hiring, but would probably be within the next few weeks or months. Why not? He snagged one, I filled it out, dropped it off and just waited. I didn't have to wait long. I had an interview, they had another interview to conduct, and I would know by the following day. I was so distracted with packing for vacation that the waiting wasn't terrible. I got the job in the cafe of a small business!!! (You local folks can probably guess where you can find me a couple hours a week.) So many blessings have come from this --- 1. I didn't feel nauseated at the thought. 2. They are willing and able to work around Audrey's preschool schedule. 3. It's actually decent pay! 4. I like coffee and I'm excited to learn how to make different varieties. 5. I like the dress code - their polo shirt, apron and hat paired with jeans and sneakers :)

I start Monday, tomorrow, morning. I'm getting excited! We will probably put our home on the market within the week or so, and start looking at new places soon. Lots of change, but it all feels right. If I am lacking in blog updates - I apologize. But, let's see --- I have some painting to accomplish, boxes to pack, things to clean up, crafts to make, a part-time job to go to, kiddos to take care of, etc., etc., etc. However, after all is done, there will be updates. Promise. I need a place to expel my word vomit :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Civic Duties


I'll be honest -- I was trying to find every excuse in the book to get out of it. I had no desire to try to find day care for my kiddos (ugh!!!), take a day of my time, miss breakfast with some amazing ladies (and the possibility of bacon!) ... the list could go on. But really, I had no idea what to expect. I am no expert, but I do have a fresh memory of what happened the past two days and why if you are called to serve on jury selection and maybe even jury duty why you SHOULD.

1. It's your civic duty and US Citizen right. Jury selection/duty is something that makes the United States of America different. Plus, if you are called to selection, and duty, you are out of the pool for at least three (3) years.

2. Parts are uber boring, but there are times when I was really into what was going on (maybe it was due to the lack of daily adult interaction, but whatever!)

3. I have more of an appreciation for the judicial system and how it works. I have NO desire to be an attorney, judge, or any part of the judicial system, but I do like being able to have a better understanding. I feel smarter now. (And in more ways that one.. some of the excuses people tried to play on the judge to get out of serving were just down right stupid.)

4. I am not planning on committing any crime, but to see folks sitting out there, hearing all of their charges is quite the humbling experience. I have no desire to air my dirty laundry in front of 200+ individuals and feel their eyes on me thinking about what was done.

5. My 'bank' clothes still fit me - and fit me well! It was a nice change to get dressed in something besides jeans or sweats.

I'm sure there are more pros, but the only major con was finding folks to take care of my kiddos. One day is okay, but the VERY NEXT day was a struggle (preschool to/from, Landon, timing, how long). Thankfully, some very helpful preschool moms helped me out with less 24 hours notice, because I had less than 24 hours notice.. Blah. But, it's good. Kiddos were taken care of, and civic duty was complete.

I urge you --- when that jury summons is placed in you mailbox, fill it out and GO. It's worth it. Being on the jury is a responsibility, but it's one to not take lightly. It's interesting to learn the process. I had a crappy attitude about going prior, but I am changing my mind -- Jury selection and jury duty are a civic right and duty, similar to voting. So, DO IT!

Friday, January 11, 2013

29 Skincare

Birchbox.. It's so hard to get an opinion from a one time use product :( I think I liked 29 skin care but how can I be sure after only one use??? I like how it smelled, I felt moisturized, but I would have loved to be able to try it for more than one night.

I still have a nail polish remover pads to try... since my nails look like poo maybe I should do that today....

Rant. Vent. Mommy Drama. Morning from Satan.

Friday is supposed to be the fun day! The 'Yay! The weekend is almost here!' kind of day. I'll be honest - not so much today for this momma! Here's what happened:

Landon decided 5:30AM was a good time to wake up. No, son. That's too early for your momma. So, he nursed and went back to bed. For an hour. When he heard his daddy up and getting ready for the day. At 6:30AM, he was ready to go for the day. Crap-tastic. (I should also mention that he had his one year well baby check up at 9AM). So, we get ready and out the door by 8:40(ish). Without a doubt in my head and heart, this boy is going to fall asleep on the way to the doctor's office. (He usually naps during most of Audrey's preschool days) He is very warm, snoozing away while I get him checked in, hear an old man grumble about waiting at a doctor's office (what did you expect buddy? It's not a fast food joint! It's flu season - lots of people are sick), and walk back to our room. I can imagine being all warm and then getting naked isn't an ideal way to wake up. (sorry, Landon!) If he wasn't held, he was screaming. Yay. Poor eardrums. Doctor's office has a sign about flu shots.. Considering how terrible this year has been, I had asked about getting a flu shot for all of us. Did I mention that Audrey doesn't have preschool on Friday and was with us??? She hears SHOT and melts down. Crying more than her brother. I ask the doctor and nurse if they want to switch. A smile and polite shake of their heads was the answer. Blasted. Appointment, all things considered, goes well. I have no idea what he weighs or how long he is because it was THAT kind of an appointment. Doctor comes back in .... they are out of flu shots. I can go to the pharmacy for them. (Insert another 4 year old melt down session). No problem. We check out. Above mentioned grouchy old man is behind us laughing about his experience with the office today. Let's trade places buddy, then you can see things from another point of view! It would have been nice to have 15 minutes of peace and quiet instead of TWO screaming children. Blah.

Go to pharmacy. See a former co-worker and quick catch up. State law (I'm thinking now across the board) is no pharmacy will administer a flu vaccine to a person under the age of 18. They suggest I call the health department. No problem. Call health department. Yes, they do administer vaccines -- at specific times. Later that day in the afternoon. No way in hell I'm coming back out with my precious little darlings (haha. sarcasm.)!

Go to grocery store/gas station. I hate buying gas, but, hey thanks for taking off $2.17 from my $73 total. (Wow. I sound very cynical today!) Grocery store. I only need a few things. One being a rotisserie chicken. I see none. Blah. Crap. Grr. Ask around the different employees. Chickens come out at 11. It's a good thing it was 10:45 (so, yes, that means I was with the doctor for almost an hour and a half. With two kids. Blah.) I get the rest of my items and get chicken last. As I check out, I realize that one of the hats I made for Landon is MIA. No idea where it is. No in the cart, not on him (because he rips them off as soon as I put them on), not in my pockets, Audrey doesn't have it. Crap. Walk around the store where I know I was shopping. Nothing. Check customer service and all they have are nasty old man hats. Not cute little boy hats. Crap. Good thing I know where I can get another.

Back in the car around 11:15. I'm d-o-n-e and I realize the coffee I brought with me hasn't been touched. Ice cold. Semi perfect temperature. Audrey falls asleep on our way back home. Figures.

You can assume this afternoon will consist of naps for BOTH kiddos while I sit and crochet my son a new hat. I hope my crap-tastic morning has brought some laughter to you this afternoon. If not, come be a part of any outing done by a mom with her children.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Landon's 1st Year

Visit to create your own personalized photobook.

I'm in love with this book. It's been amazing watching this little boy grow and develop his own personality. We love him :) 

Brown Family 2012

Visit to create your own personalized photobook.

I love taking pictures. (Evidence - over 8,000 photos in a year.!!!!) However, there are some photos that wouldn't make sense to others, or that are just for me or my family... So, this year, and hopefully years to follow, we have decided to make a family yearbook. So, if you aren't able to come see the real thing, you can check it out online. 

(PS - Loved making this book! This is totally my kind of scrap booking.)

Thursday, January 3, 2013


OMGEEE!! Where has the past year gone?! I can't believe my baby is a YEAR OLD! This just doesn't seem right to me. I've taken his photos once a month on the 3rd to see how he's changing, growing, and becoming his own person. I just love this little boy. I'm wrapped. Unless he's screaming (high pitch, tone only a dog should be able to hear scream) for food (like R-I-G-H-T now).

You may want to know what he's into right now.. well, if not, I'm going to tell you anyway :)

-Food. Ha. I think he could eat his sister under the table if given the opportunity. 
-He also adores his sister. Wants to know what she's doing, how he can get in on it, and playing with her. I'm so thankful they do get along so well. 
-Blocks/balls are his favorite toys. Especially a stack of blocks that can tumble. 
-He is a momma's boy to the nth degree and I'm totally okay with that - most of the time.
-Our pets. When Neko walks, or rather saunters, into the room Landon starts making a 'kkk' sound and has a cheesy grin across his face. If he could master the art of a friendly pet he would have a few less scratches from the cat. Hopefully someday Neko will hang with Landon as he does with Audrey.
He can be an ornery little thing.. I've caught him on more than one occasion in the cat's litter box. Ew. I know. SO.GROSS! But, he is also so funny. The faces this boy duplicates gets me every single time. And he's learning to blink/wink. OMG. Melting. Love this little boy.
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months

10 Months
11 Months

 (12 months to come!)

Saying bye to her elf
Even though this blog is title "Landon" I feel the need as a mother of TWO to mention my eldest. My mini-me. My personality clone. This girl loves school. She has been lost the past two weeks for Christmas/New Year break - she needs to get to school! She has enjoyed being able to have a more relaxed schedule and stay in her sweat pants (who can blame her!). I love listening to hear play and use her imagination. Granted, the story line rarely varies, but the things she can come up with makes me smile and laugh. It's been a joy to be able to literally hear her grow up and see her change. She loves all things princess and is excited to go back to Walt Disney World soon. (I just realized how much of a random hodge podge this paragraph is becoming!)
Preschool Christmas Party

I feel extremely blessed to be able to call these two my children. They light up my life, make me laugh, have a purpose, but also a determination to do all that I possibly can for them. 

Christmas morning!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Oops! Almost forgot...

So, now that it is JANUARY, I thought I'd update on items I used from my DECEMBER Birchbox.

First, I was so excited when I opened my pretty wrapped box, and saw a full size mascara. If there is one thing I have a weakness for, it's mascara. To plump up my lashes, make them long, luscious, and fake me looking awake! But, seriously, if my lashes where like my son's, I'd probably nev... no, I would totally wear mascara :)

So, the mascara ... first, it has a mirror on the body of the tube. Genius! I love the brush too.. I haven't had clumping.. It just seems to really coat my lashes without making them like spider legs. Did I mention it was a full size mascara? LOVE! <3 (ModelCo Fibre LashXtend. Get it!)

Next item --- perfume. It's Nicole by Nicole Richie.. Eh, it's okay. Perfume is a tough one to really sell to me. I prefer something light, sweet, more fruity than floral. Somehow I have managed to collect a drawer full of perfume .... some of those really should go to file 13..

Last -- a shampoo. First, I have a serious case of OCD when it comes to my shampoo/conditioner. I can't do one without the other. So, now my conditioner is a little less. Blah. It's a low sud shampoo, and if I'm going to use a low suds shampoo, it better do something for the curls/waves. This one didn't. I like the low suds Redken shampoo that I blogged about in the past.

I still have nail polish remover pads to try out and some skin care. More to come!