Friday, January 11, 2013

Rant. Vent. Mommy Drama. Morning from Satan.

Friday is supposed to be the fun day! The 'Yay! The weekend is almost here!' kind of day. I'll be honest - not so much today for this momma! Here's what happened:

Landon decided 5:30AM was a good time to wake up. No, son. That's too early for your momma. So, he nursed and went back to bed. For an hour. When he heard his daddy up and getting ready for the day. At 6:30AM, he was ready to go for the day. Crap-tastic. (I should also mention that he had his one year well baby check up at 9AM). So, we get ready and out the door by 8:40(ish). Without a doubt in my head and heart, this boy is going to fall asleep on the way to the doctor's office. (He usually naps during most of Audrey's preschool days) He is very warm, snoozing away while I get him checked in, hear an old man grumble about waiting at a doctor's office (what did you expect buddy? It's not a fast food joint! It's flu season - lots of people are sick), and walk back to our room. I can imagine being all warm and then getting naked isn't an ideal way to wake up. (sorry, Landon!) If he wasn't held, he was screaming. Yay. Poor eardrums. Doctor's office has a sign about flu shots.. Considering how terrible this year has been, I had asked about getting a flu shot for all of us. Did I mention that Audrey doesn't have preschool on Friday and was with us??? She hears SHOT and melts down. Crying more than her brother. I ask the doctor and nurse if they want to switch. A smile and polite shake of their heads was the answer. Blasted. Appointment, all things considered, goes well. I have no idea what he weighs or how long he is because it was THAT kind of an appointment. Doctor comes back in .... they are out of flu shots. I can go to the pharmacy for them. (Insert another 4 year old melt down session). No problem. We check out. Above mentioned grouchy old man is behind us laughing about his experience with the office today. Let's trade places buddy, then you can see things from another point of view! It would have been nice to have 15 minutes of peace and quiet instead of TWO screaming children. Blah.

Go to pharmacy. See a former co-worker and quick catch up. State law (I'm thinking now across the board) is no pharmacy will administer a flu vaccine to a person under the age of 18. They suggest I call the health department. No problem. Call health department. Yes, they do administer vaccines -- at specific times. Later that day in the afternoon. No way in hell I'm coming back out with my precious little darlings (haha. sarcasm.)!

Go to grocery store/gas station. I hate buying gas, but, hey thanks for taking off $2.17 from my $73 total. (Wow. I sound very cynical today!) Grocery store. I only need a few things. One being a rotisserie chicken. I see none. Blah. Crap. Grr. Ask around the different employees. Chickens come out at 11. It's a good thing it was 10:45 (so, yes, that means I was with the doctor for almost an hour and a half. With two kids. Blah.) I get the rest of my items and get chicken last. As I check out, I realize that one of the hats I made for Landon is MIA. No idea where it is. No in the cart, not on him (because he rips them off as soon as I put them on), not in my pockets, Audrey doesn't have it. Crap. Walk around the store where I know I was shopping. Nothing. Check customer service and all they have are nasty old man hats. Not cute little boy hats. Crap. Good thing I know where I can get another.

Back in the car around 11:15. I'm d-o-n-e and I realize the coffee I brought with me hasn't been touched. Ice cold. Semi perfect temperature. Audrey falls asleep on our way back home. Figures.

You can assume this afternoon will consist of naps for BOTH kiddos while I sit and crochet my son a new hat. I hope my crap-tastic morning has brought some laughter to you this afternoon. If not, come be a part of any outing done by a mom with her children.

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