Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Civic Duties


I'll be honest -- I was trying to find every excuse in the book to get out of it. I had no desire to try to find day care for my kiddos (ugh!!!), take a day of my time, miss breakfast with some amazing ladies (and the possibility of bacon!) ... the list could go on. But really, I had no idea what to expect. I am no expert, but I do have a fresh memory of what happened the past two days and why if you are called to serve on jury selection and maybe even jury duty why you SHOULD.

1. It's your civic duty and US Citizen right. Jury selection/duty is something that makes the United States of America different. Plus, if you are called to selection, and duty, you are out of the pool for at least three (3) years.

2. Parts are uber boring, but there are times when I was really into what was going on (maybe it was due to the lack of daily adult interaction, but whatever!)

3. I have more of an appreciation for the judicial system and how it works. I have NO desire to be an attorney, judge, or any part of the judicial system, but I do like being able to have a better understanding. I feel smarter now. (And in more ways that one.. some of the excuses people tried to play on the judge to get out of serving were just down right stupid.)

4. I am not planning on committing any crime, but to see folks sitting out there, hearing all of their charges is quite the humbling experience. I have no desire to air my dirty laundry in front of 200+ individuals and feel their eyes on me thinking about what was done.

5. My 'bank' clothes still fit me - and fit me well! It was a nice change to get dressed in something besides jeans or sweats.

I'm sure there are more pros, but the only major con was finding folks to take care of my kiddos. One day is okay, but the VERY NEXT day was a struggle (preschool to/from, Landon, timing, how long). Thankfully, some very helpful preschool moms helped me out with less 24 hours notice, because I had less than 24 hours notice.. Blah. But, it's good. Kiddos were taken care of, and civic duty was complete.

I urge you --- when that jury summons is placed in you mailbox, fill it out and GO. It's worth it. Being on the jury is a responsibility, but it's one to not take lightly. It's interesting to learn the process. I had a crappy attitude about going prior, but I am changing my mind -- Jury selection and jury duty are a civic right and duty, similar to voting. So, DO IT!

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