Tuesday, April 1, 2014


If you live in the same general area March came in like a roaring lion.. Good grief, so done with winter, snow, ice. And so ready for my kindergarten student to have normal weeks of school. Most of March found us inside, cuddled under piles of blankets praying for warm weather to be outside playing. I have spent a lot of time knitting. Shocker. Is it weird to give a shout out to yourself? Whatever. It's my blog! And so is this one --> Brandie's Basket <-- check it out. It's a place where I can document my wip (work in progress) and also remind myself of patterns and what I have made.

Family is doing well. Ready to spend time outside, getting to know our neighbors :)

Onto the opinions, reviews -----

CHOCOLATE!! Seriously, do I need to say anything else? Of course I will ;) Dark chocolate with a hint of tart cherry and an almond crunch. Hello, yum. I may have done a little happy dance while eating it :) It's probably a good thing for my waist line it was a sample instead of an entire bar.
 Shampoo AND Conditioner First of all let me say that I am glad this came to me as a set. I hate, no loathe, it when my shampoo and conditioner aren't used evenly. What do I do with all the extra!? I'm curious to try a No-Poo shampoo, but this size is perfect for traveling and a good sample size.
 Coola BB Cream! Stoked! I was so excited to try this out, but I was quite disappointed :( I may need to use it as a layered product, and use it for the sunscreen, but the coverage was awful. That put me in a search for a BB cream for the summer. I think I found my new favorite! Benefit's Big Easy! This cream adjusts to the skin tone, and also has a powdery finish. I wore this to work (in a fast paced environment and I tend to glisten by the end of my shift) and I was NOT oily. Sold. Love it.
 Hand Cream Blech. Too floral for me. I prefer a more subtle scent to my lotions. 
Coffee Night Cream(?!?!!) Coffee beans in an night cream?! Yes, please! First, when I see "night cream" I think a very heavy, thick cream. This was not! It is light, has a fresh orange-like scent and was amazing. Totally recommend!