Sunday, September 7, 2014



: happening or done very quickly

That perfectly describes the latest change in my household. It's been a few months in the making, but the last two weeks have been a whirlwind. Praise to God for having His gentle hand on my heart and life this summer. I am so thankful for how this process has unfolded before my eyes and how everything has worked out perfectly.

Let me back up -- back in June I was tossing around the idea of working full time. I realized my hours at the cafe were almost full time hours, and why not consider a few extra hours to make some extra money for my family. I submitted 2 applications through the state and took 2 civil service tests in one day (don't do that to yourself. It was awful) and waited. 

Skip to July. I had applied to 2 different school districts - one had 3 positions I was interested in pursuing, the other had 2. Yes, that's a total of 7 applications in 2 months. Applications are exhausting. 

Let's now take a jaunt to August. I can feel myself wanting to do something more with my life and my days. To make a difference in someone's life. Sure, I can make an awesome cup of coffee, but I also have the desire to do more. A friend of mine inquires at one of the school districts on my behalf. She had sent an email to HR the first day of school (August 25). Later that day, I get an email asking for an interview two days later - August 27. I scramble to find someone to switch with me so I can go to this interview and just see what may come of it. I was told not to be discouraged if I don't hear from them right away, so I am not expecting to hear anything for about 2 weeks (the district was going through a shuffle with the new school year and current employees applying for other positions.) September 2 I notice 2 phone calls and voicemails. I can't listen to the messages or return the phone call to one of my interviewer and HR. I'm offered a position with the school district as a Personal Care Assistant. I'll be with a child who needs help during the school day to complete a variety of tasks. 

And now my personal scramble to get various things done prior to being able to talk to HR and officially accept this position. Tuesday, 9/2, kiddos and I go to the walk-in clinic for my TB shot. An hour later, and $16.80 less in my pocket it's done. Return in 48-72 hours to have it read. No problem. Also register for my FBI clearances and figure out where to go to have my fingerprints taken. (Plus side, I am now able to volunteer at my kid's school since all my clearances are done.) Wednesday, 9/3, go to work, get above mentioned fingerprints done. I also just have to do some clothing shopping since my wardrobe is in basic mommy mode of jeans and t-shirts. I get a call from HR - "Do you think it's possible to have your TB test and physical done by tomorrow, 9/4, so we can meet and go over paperwork???" SURE. My family doctor is no help with an appointment until the following week. Urgent care is a lifesaver - they do work physicals, and are open until 8pm. Hubs comes home, I run out. Physical done Wednesday. Thursday, 9/4, TB test read, college transcript picked up, off to my HR meeting. Come home, pack up my entire family because my brother in law got married -- WOOHOO! Congrats Kris & Jess! Write a two week notice to my current employer.

Friday, 9/5, submit a notice. My last day at the cafe will be September 19 and I will start with the school September 22. At this point, I'm sure my blood pressure is now at a normal rate unlike the numbers on my physical paper, but it's okay. There's been a lot on my heart and mind in the last few weeks. It feels awesome to be able to share what happened.

I truly believe the speed of this whole process was Supernatural and God's hand had been with me and my family the whole time. This is a huge change for me, but I am so anxious and excited to get started. I'm ready to have more time with my family. I'm ready to make a difference in someone's life. I'm ready for something MORE. I'm also so ready for the day when someone asks me --- "Can we get together 2 Saturday's from now...?" And I can say YES because I don't have to wait for a work schedule. Can ya tell that I'm excited about this change? I'm ready to dive in.

God -- Thank You. I know this is from You. I hope and pray I can bless those I am around. Amen.

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