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Our new home! |
Shannon - awesome. He has gotten back to cooking normal meals instead of hamburger helper (insert gag face). He has quite a few outdoor (and indoor) projects to work on since the house has been vacant for almost a year. He's enjoying more family time, and less time on the road. We are loving the extra time with him. Plus, with Audrey riding the bus he's able to take her to the bus stop in the mornings if needed.
Audrey - fantastic. She has had to do so much adjusting. New room. New school. New teacher. New friends. Riding the bus for the first time. But, I think she is doing well. I asked her the other day if she was happy .. her reply was a solid YES. She, of course, misses her friends from her old school and street. We just need to make efforts to make plans and play dates.
Landon - That boy. We were preparing ourselves for many restless nights, but he's been a rock star. He's starting to try to form some independence, and it's a challenge. He's done well at going with the flow and we have tried to keep things as much the same as possible. Unfortunately, he has started to have an intolerance to dairy and car rides (insert masked emoji face). I am done with vomit in my car, his car seat, and on him. His car seat is going to get the boot once he has had a settled belly for a couple months. I really hope this goes away around the time of his second birthday...
And, last, as always, is me. I feel such a huge relief that this is done. When we signed at settlement I knew it was time to unload trucks, but it was all going to be okay. We have time to make this place our home. I have been ridiculously stressed out.. I think to the point I may have gone numb and didn't really feel anything. I am very on with my general appointments - eye doctor, dentist, hair, etc.. I haven't had my hair done in a good 6 months. The ONLY appointment I kept and made was for my eye specialist. And I told them to feel special because this was the ONLY appointment I was planning on making. This past week was the first we were able to get back to taking care of myself, my animals, my family, etc. I had taken a week from the cafe (and the good coffee) to take care of my family. So glad that I am at a place where I can do that and it's okay. I was able to get so much DONE. What a relief. We had no idea where to put a lot of our boxes so the ended up in the garage. By the time I went back to work we were able to actually use the garage for a car.
It's been a journey, but the journey of 'moving' is over. We are in the beginning of writing the next chapter about being able to live, love and find a new sense of normal. It feels like home now. We are all doing well, we are happy, healthy, and adjusting. It's also a great feeling to know we can start saying YES to invites now without feeling guilty.
Photos will come of the house. It's still a work in progress with a few boxes remaining. But a LOT less than we had 2 weeks ago :)
Thank you for following me/us on this journey!