Monday, October 2, 2017


Love. Seems like such a simple word, but also so complex in the four little letters.

LOVE - affectionate concern for the well-being of others. (Thanks,

The world is full of hate.  A child doesn't need to be taught to be mean to another. It's pretty easy for a kiddo to understand the idea of "this is MINE" and become possessive.  Have more than one child - you know all too well. "He touched me!" "She looked at me!" "THAT'S MINE!" But, love. That's a bird of another feather. 


As you know, there are a lot of different types of love - romantic, parent to child, sibling, friend... but I want to focus on the general love for other human beings. The unnecessary violence and hate towards others has to stop. I hear so much bad news. It travels so fast. But something good can fade so quickly. Why do we feel the need to share the negative but squash the positive in life?

I wish I knew. But, if it starts with someone spreading a smile, a kind word, helping -- that's something everyone can do. I want to challenge those who are reading this --- Share Love. 

Humor me for a little. What if one person shares love to another. And then that person shares love. And that person. And that person..... The ripple effect would be huge. Why does it take a complete senseless tragedy for people to be kind to one another? Imagine how the world could change if we were KIND to one another. 


Seriously, folks, it's not rocket science to be nice to others. Be the change. Make a difference. 

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