Sunday, July 28, 2013

House update

(Originally written July 14)

Wow. I am in awe. Tears are in my eyes as I am writing. We have been given an offer, and accepted an offer. We are under contract. I am so thankful. Here is how God works in His timing and so not mine.

Closing date is set for September 27. Granted, that's not BEFORE school starts, however, we also don't have to rush out this week and find a place to put a contract. We have some time to find a place. I will have to drive her to/from school and work out some details, but she can start in Shippensburg. Man. That's going to be some early mornings! But it will be worth it not to pull her out a month after school starts.

The nice thing about us not closing in 30 days is we have more than a week to find a place. We have time, not a lot, but we do have some wiggle room. Not a lot of wiggle room, but we do have the pro of some time.

We have been immersed in praying big prayer at church. What perfect timing! To pray the bigger prayers, pray off the record, pray for the things that scare us. Yup. Perfect to be thinking about selling our home, finding a new place, and creating a small season of change for our family. The last month we have done a lot of big praying. Scary praying. But we have also put action behind our prayers (painting, open house, change in price, etc).

We are thankful. We are at peace with this change.

Now, onto some funny things about this process. It has been stressful, and it has been chaotic, but there are always moments of funny to relieve some of the tension.

This past week we painted, lowered our price, took updated photos, and set up an open house date. With the photos I hid as much as I possibly could. Like, putting dirty dishes in the oven ..... and then forgetting about the plastic dishes until the oven was preheated to 400 degrees. Oops. Well, Landon got a new cup out of the deal! Speaking of hiding things --- it's amazing how much stuff a person can hide in the washer, dryer, oven, closets, under the bed, under the couches... Or forget about said items. Like dirty clothes by the shower as a family is walking into the house for a showing. Yes, that really happened. We had a showing July 13, and the family wanted a second showing July 14, same day as our open house. I cleaned like a mad woman, left the house.... and then realized I had left dirty clothes in the bathroom. Blah. Came running back to hide said clothing in the washing machine. Who cares -- THAT family made the offer! :)

This road has been a road that I wasn't sure would ever come to an end. It has been a journey and we are at the beginning of the next phase of our journey. Thank you for everyone who has followed us to the beginning of the journey! Stay tuned for the next steps. :)

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