Friday, November 16, 2012

Perfume and chocolate covered chips?

It's that time of the month again! :) My Birchbox came this past week! I'll be completely honest --- I'm kind of disappointed with this one and it pains me to say it. I love trying new things, and I should expect to not have everything be catered to me, but this one .... I'm just not thrilled. 

So here is what I tried so far --- 

Perfume vial. First of all, since companies started making their perfumes in a spray trial size I so prefer that! I hate having to be SO careful to open the vial then my fingers smell and taste like the perfume. Gag. Sadly, Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme kinda did that for me. It was a dab on vial and I really can't stand the smell. I should have known with the word 'rose' in it, it would be extremely flowery. From working in a bank, I have smelled a lot of things. Super sweet little old ladies who OD on flowery perfume is one scent that makes my eyes water and I start to gag. I have a slight opinion about perfume -- can ya tell?! 

Second -- Chocolate covered potato chip - Chuao Chocolatier Assorted ChocoPod. Sounds good, right? Ehh.. If it's a chocolate covered POTATO CHIP -- where was the chip? It was a little crunchy, but I was really hoping for a thick lardy chip covered in chocolate. Not so much. It was like the crumbs at the bottom had been molded into a leaf-like shape and covered in chocolate. But it's only 60 calories.. I wouldn't buy them, but it was nice to try.

I have 3 more items to try, but so far, this box has been a bit of a bust :/

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