Saturday, April 9, 2011


I am reminded of an email I have seen about the various aspects of time. Year, month, week, day, hour, second... It's all mathematical really and there are days I don't always agree with math. But math allows for a black and white answer, right and wrong, first or second, a winner and a loser, a yes or a no.

Time. What is a "right" time to do something? What makes something right for one person but not another?

My time break down.....
Last year we decided it was time to become parents again. We tried for months sometimes with the same basic agenda (c'mon how many ways are there to make a baby!!!) twice with the desired outcome. However, the weeks of waiting for a cycle to start, or a new cycle to begin were torture. Not as much for my dear husband, but he was about done listening to me babble on about what I was thinking, feeling, and wondering. He was, and is, amazing at listening to me :) Back to the weeks..... It was tough. There are some processes that just can't be sped up. I have been noting my cycles for almost a year now and I could predict to the day what I could expect. (All you ladies out there totally know what I'm talking about. Male readers, ask your wife, girlfriend, or your best female friend.) I'm taking creative freedom to flip my seconds and minutes. I would know instantly if I was going to be disappointed and need to go back to the drawing board to try again. If I was wrong, I would have to wait those minutes to see how many lines were going to appear on that stick.

It's amazing to think how quickly things can change.  Woman goes from not pregnant to knowing she's pregnant in a matter of minutes ..... Also in that same frame of time one can go from being pregnant to not.

Time. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is unknown, but today we all have a chance to make a difference and an impact. Make the most of your today while you can.

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